Contribute to our White Cane Fund to support the Council’s White Cane Program that provides free white canes to people who rely on them for safety and independence.
Fundraising efforts continue for the Council’s White Cane Fund. If you’ve already given, thank you! You are our only source of funding to provide white canes, and your gift ensures people in our state who need it for identification and mobility will receive one for free.
The goal for this year is $25,000, and Connie Malak has a great reason why she is a supporter.
“I remember watching a man using a white cane, and I was so taken with his ability to get around with it,” the Middleton woman says. “It’s great to know the Council can help people who are blind or visually impaired get tools like this to restore their feeling of independence.”
Haven’t supported the annual White Cane Fund? There’s still time! Donate via the Council’s website at
Learn more about the importance of a white cane for people who are visually impaired or blind, you’ll find an informative story about it on the Council’s website.