Visual impairment can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life as well as on their family members. Low vision can make it challenging to prepare meals, shop for groceries, find transportation to medical appointments, or manage the household and finances. When vision loss interferes with or prevents you from carrying out daily activities, consider vision services.
Vision services help you adapt to and cope with changing vision. The Council provides vision services in the areas of low vision, vision rehabilitation, access technology (also known as assistive technology), and orientation and mobility (O&M).
All vision services are provided by qualified, certified professionals. Services are client-centered and begin with evaluation where goals are identified. Staff collaborate with clients, families, eye care providers, social service agencies and DVR counselors to determine an action plan. We listen to their goals and plan services to work towards achieving them. We are interested in where the client lives and works, as that can influence recommendations. We try to make services available even when the cost may be a hardship for the individual.
Because of the Council’s location in south-central Wisconsin, our Vision Services programs tend to directly serve people in Dane County and other nearby counties. The Vision Services providers adhere to the Council’s core values of inclusivity, uncompromising respect and integrity in their day-to-day practices.
Watch our new video to learn more
about Vision Services
Watch our new video to learn more about Vision Services
Low vision Evaluation
A functional low vision evaluation helps adults understand and maximize existing vision by showing them how to use remaining vision more effectively and efficiently. The low vision therapist evaluates vision function, contrast, color and lighting. Optical and non-optical aids may be recommended along with lighting, contrast and positioning to make visual tasks easier to accomplish. Recommendations can be applied to home, work or school environments.
Each appointment includes an initial evaluation of up to 1.5 hours and an optional 30-minute follow-up visit may be scheduled.
“Watching my family member read a column of text for the first time was like seeing someone at a religious revival throw away their crutches and walk again. It was a daily loss for her not to pick up a daily newspaper, and now she can! We are all very excited.”
family member of Jean,
a Low Vision Clinic client
In preparation for your appointment, print the Confidential Information Release Authorization and Referral for Low Vision Services forms and sign each one if possible. After they are signed, send them to your eye doctor in advance of the Low Vision Evaluation. Your eye doctor can provide the requested information and fax it to the low vision therapist at the Council. Any information on your eye condition, provided before the Low Vision Evaluation, helps the low vision therapist to give you the best service.
Vision Rehabilitation Services
A vision rehabilitation therapist provides services in the home, in the workplace or in our own on-site classroom, where they perform a comprehensive assessment of the impact of vision loss on daily activities. Potential solutions are recommended and instructions are provided in using adaptive skills and assistive devices, new approaches to common tasks, and creating a safe environment.
“Birding has been a part of my life since I was a little girl. Being able to see my yard and my birds again is delightful. It’s a wonderful way to start conversations.”
a Vision Services client
ACCESS Technology Services
An access technology specialist (also known as an assistive technology specialist) helps people with vision impairments reach goals at work, school or home by maximizing technology use. Following an assessment and exploration of technology products, one-on-one training sessions are available by appointment in the Council’s access technology classroom. Home or work site visits can be arranged to extend the training to everyday living. To accommodate those for whom meeting in person is not feasible, we also offer access technology instruction using remote access, which means a staff member can securely access your computer from our offices without the learner having to leave home.
“When my brother gave me an iPhone, I wanted to learn how to use it. I received assistive technology training at the Council. Jim was so knowledgeable, helpful and patient. The work with my iPhone was just the beginning; now I am learning how to use a laptop. It has been a very beneficial learning experience.”
Access Technology client
Orientation & Mobility Training
Orientation and mobility training provides skills for moving around safely, efficiently and independently. That could include anything from using a white cane effectively to navigate one’s home and neighborhood to using public transit to travel across town to work. An orientation and mobility specialist first meets with the client to determine their goals and needs, then works with them to develop skills for getting where they need to go using a cane, their other senses, or other appropriate tools and strategies.
“The moment I knew all the O&M I was learning was going to help was one I won’t forget. I had been working hard at the intersections. I finally had done it correctly. The fear of it was gone…. I even did a short happy dance!”
O&M client
Referrals for Vision Services can be made through self-referral, a family member, a doctor or other medical professional, a social service professional, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Counselor or an employer. If you are a healthcare professional, social service worker or employer, send a fax or fill out the form below.
Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance do not pay for vision services offered through the Council, including low vision evaluations, vision rehabilitation services, orientation & mobility training, access technology services, adaptive technology or devices. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) can assist clients by authorizing services and devices for technology related to employment.
There are fees associated with vision services. Fees are the responsibility of the individual receiving the services, unless the service has been requested or authorized through agencies listed above. If the fees present a financial hardship, a reduced cost can be negotiated to provide the necessary services. Payment options can be discussed when scheduling an appointment with a vision services professional.
Any Wisconsin resident who is blind or visually impaired is eligible for one free white cane every 24 months or more frequently for students. Generous donations to the White Cane Fund cover the cost of these canes.
Low Vision Support Groups
Learn, live, laugh and cry alongside others who have low vision.
Vision Services Resources
Provides rehabilitation services to help individuals who are blind or visually impaired to achieve their own goals of independent living.
Provides information about resources and support on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability.
Assists individuals with the dual hearing-vision loss live independent, productive, and fulfilled lives.
Provides health care, supported employment, and gives professional and adaptive technology training to people who are blind and visually impaired.
Provides a residential training center for those who are deaf/blind to receive adaptive technology and mobility training, and life.
Offers a continuum of services to people with visual impairments, helping them achieve important developmental milestones as well as personal, professional, and educational goals.
Improves the lives of children, adults and families through early detection of eye conditions to prevent blindness and preserve sight.
A multi-disciplinary community of scholars working to gain critical knowledge about the science and art of vision and apply it to the prevention of blindness.
A list, organized by state, of guide dog schools in the United States.