If making a will has been on your mind but you’ve never managed to take the steps to get it done, this is the month to do it. August is Make-A-Will month!
Having a will benefits your loved ones and the organizations that are important to you. It’s a simple process to set up a gift to the Council that will make a positive impact for people with vision loss well into the future.
Here’s how it works:
- You include a statement in your will designating the dollar amount or percentage of your estate you would like the Council to receive. We suggest this wording:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired, Madison, Wisconsin, (insert dollar amount or percentage of the residue of my estate) to be used for the Council’s general purposes.”
- Upon your death, the Council receives the gift and uses it to provide services for people living with vision loss.
The Benefits are many:
- You provide future support for the Council and the clients we serve.
- You may change your bequest at any time.
- You can become a member of the Council’s Legacy Circle, joining others who have planned for the future.
- Your gift will not be subject to federal estate tax.
Every gift to the Council is used to provide services or products tailored to the specific needs of each individual we serve. Watch this video to learn more about the services we offer.
Charitable giving can take many forms. Visit WCBlind.org/donate to hear an audio recording about options for planning your estate gifts. Naming the Council in your will is one way to ensure that vital vision services will continue for generations. Thank you!