Certification Brings Collaboration, Assessment and Greater Assistive Technology Knowledge to the Council

Jim Denham photo

Jim Denham, Assistive Technology Specialist, completed the Assistive Technology Applications Certification Program through California State University, Northridge (CSUN), in May 2019. The course is intended for those who teach assistive technology to people with disabilities. It included information about products for people with a wide variety of disabilities, and presented a national assessment framework for determining individual client needs. The majority of the certification work was completed online, and participants were able to meet in-person for two days during the CSUN assistive technology conference.

“I enjoyed meeting and interacting with people who serve those with disabilities other than visual impairment,” says Jim. “It was informative learning about the technology programs people in other disability groups use. I now feel more prepared to serve people with visual impairment who may have other additional disabilities.”

To congratulate Jim or to set up an training appointment, email JDenham@WCBlind.org or call 608-237-8104.

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