Student Spotlight: Elena Santin

Elena Santin

Lawrence University freshman Elena Santin is one of the Council’s 2019 Scholarship Winners. She and Council Writer Katherine Corbett discussed future plans, hobbies and adaptations for playing music with a visual impairment.

Katherine Corbett: Tell me about the first time you knew you wanted to study piano performance.

Elena Santin: I have been playing piano since I was nine years old. I chose to study piano performance and psychology because I want to go into music therapy after college. Music is therapeutic for me, and I specifically want to work with kids with disabilities. I know what being a person with a disability is like and can empathize with them and their families.


Katherine: Creativity seemed to be a theme in your application and throughout your life. What does that word mean to you?

Elena: Being creative is a way I express myself; creativity is an outlet to get my emotions out. A lot of times I will write songs to get through hard times in my life.


Katherine: What kinds of activities do you like to do in your spare time?

Elena: I like watching videos on YouTube, writing short stories and poetry. I also enjoy playing ukulele and singing.


Katherine: How have you adapted your hobbies to accommodate your visual impairment?

Elena: For my music, I enlarge everything so I can see it; to save paper I download PDF files of the music and put it on my laptop that has a detachable screen. I can put the screen on the stand of the piano and play the notes from there. I am looking into whether I can scroll through the text on the screen using a foot pedal.


Katherine: What are three words friends or family members would use to describe you?

Elena: They would say passionate, kind and creative.

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