To serve the needs of clients and adapt to the business changes in light of COVID-19, the Council has developed procedures for a safe reopening. These protocols were created using guidelines and recommendations from the Department of Public Health Madison Dane County.
What to Know if You Plan to Visit the Council:
Since Wisconsin has a mask mandate in place, all staff and visitors who enter the building must wear a face covering. Exceptions will be made for those for whom it is medically unsafe to wear a face covering and alternative procedures will be put in place. The Council will provide face coverings for visitors who do not bring their own. Here are other important items to note:
- To have an in-person visit with vision services or the Sharper Vision Store, appointments must be scheduled in advance.
- Appointments include the recipient of products or services and one caregiver.
- Staff will maintain at least 6 feet of distance.
- Staff will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to lessen exposure risks.
- All visitors will be health screened before allowed inside the building.
- Visitors and people with appointments are asked to wait in their vehicle or outside of the door until told they can enter the building.
- If the visitor has used public transit and arrives early or needs to wait for pickup at the end of the visit, they can wait on one of the chairs in the lobby.
- Visitors who use the restroom are asked to clean surfaces as they exit.
- Curbside product pickup is available.
To make an appointment, contact Amy at or call her at (608) 237-8107 with any questions.
How Council Staff Members are Responding to COVID-19:
All staff self-monitor for symptoms of coronavirus, which include:
- Fever of 100 degrees F or higher.
- Dry cough.
- Diarrhea.
- Difficulty breathing.
All staff have undergone training on how to properly wash hands, disinfect surfaces and use masks and face shields. EPA-approved disinfecting wipes are available throughout the building. In addition to regularly washing hands, staff may use hand sanitizer, also available throughout the building. If serving as a sighted guide, care will be taken to keep a “clean” elbow/upper arm. Plexiglas barriers are now installed at the front desk and at the check-out station in the Sharper Vision Store.
If you have questions about any of this information, contact the Council at (800) 783-5213.