White Cane Fund Donor Connie Malak.
Appreciation for her own independence is why Connie Malak supports the Council’s annual White Cane Appeal.
“I remember watching a man using a white cane, and I was so taken with his ability to get around with it,” the Middleton woman says. “It’s great to know the Council can help people who are blind or visually impaired get tools like this to restore their feeling of independence.”
The Council’s White Cane Appeal for 2021 is happening right now, and the goal is to raise enough money to continue giving a white cane to anyone across the state who needs one.
Thanks to you, more than 420 white canes were given to people in 45 Wisconsin Counties following a successful White Cane Appeal last year.
We hope you will consider giving right now to support this important effort. Find more information and how to donate so another person who is blind or visually impaired can find independence by using a white cane .