For seven decades, the financial support of donors from around the state—and the country—have made the Council’s work possible. December is a popular time to provide that support, and we invite you to include the Council on your year-end giving list. Maybe you know someone who has benefitted from the Council’s services and programs. A gift honoring that someone is a great way to show your appreciation for the Council and to remember that friend or family member. It’s an easy process, which you can start online at
“I learned of the Council and its work through my mom,” says Becky Filiatreaux of Wausau, who started giving in early 2021 in memory of her mother, Norma Butler. “The staff from the Council were so supportive.”
When Norma passed away, the Council immediately came to her mind. “Our family had memorials to deal with,” remembers Becky. “I felt that this organization was one near and dear to her heart. For that reason, I will continue to support the Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Thank you so much for all you do and all your help.”
It’s worth knowing a couple of concrete ways those dollars help. For example, $35.00 provides someone with a white cane. $80 covers the cost of an hour of orientation and mobility (O&M) training.
Wallace Cutler from Menomonie, Wisconsin has provided over 20 gifts in the past 15 years. “I had two sisters who were blind,” Wallace says. “Both my sisters thought (the Council) was important.” Wallace lost one sister and the other lives in Texas. He says his sister in Texas still orders items from the Council’s Sharper Vision Store.
If you don’t know Norm Gilliland by name, you may know him by voice. Among other programs, Norm has read books aloud on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Chapter a Day” show for years. “I have several friends who are blind or visually impaired. The Council does important work,” Norm says. “With changing technology, there are always new issues involving the blind and visually impaired.” He adds that one of the reasons he’s been giving to the Council for over 10 years is that “you can be sure that your support will be put to good use.”
Please consider joining Norm, Wallace and Becky by making a year-end gift to the Council today at or by mailing a check to WCBVI, 754 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703.