Have a Good Adaptive Product You No Longer Need? Donate It to the Council!

A used desktop video magnifier.

It happens all the time. You’re going through your home for spring cleaning, and you find an adaptive product that you no longer need. Maybe it’s your first magnifier that you’ve since replaced with a stronger one. Or maybe it’s a CCTV that no longer fits your needs.

Before you throw your used adaptive item away or send it to a second-hand store, consider donating it to the Council instead. The Council accepts donations of used equipment that’s in good condition. Your old adaptive products can go to good use helping someone else!

People come to the Council experiencing vision loss at all different levels, from those who are completely blind to those whose vision is just beginning to decline. That means we need adaptive items of all kinds to help people live the way they want.

The Council also serves people with limited income who may not have the resources to buy the adaptive products they need. Thanks to your donations of used adaptive items, we can help provide some of that equipment to those who need it.

“The family of a client who had passed away recently stopped in,” says Amy Wurf, Education and Vision Services Director at the Council. “She had several portable electronic magnifiers because she wanted one in every room. Those are about $500 each, and that made sense for her and worked for her financially. Because her family donated those magnifiers to the Council, we were able to help two clients who would never have been able to afford a new device.”

If you’ve recently upgraded your adaptive products, or have adaptive products that no longer fit your needs, please consider donating them to the Council.

Common types of used equipment we will accept include:

  • Magnifiers
  • CCTVs (flat-screen only)
  • Adaptive kitchen products (large print measuring cups/spoons, talking timers, etc.)
  • Recording devices
  • Clocks (talking or large print)

Donated items must be in good working condition. We cannot accept dirty or outdated items.

If you have a question about whether we can accept a used adaptive item, please ask us! “Some equipment has really long lifespans,” Amy says. “As long as the person it belonged to used it recently, and you can honestly say there are no known issues with it, then we’d be really happy to take it.”

Donating to the Council is easy! Call our office at 608-255-1166 or email us at info@wcblind.org and tell us what you have. We’ll ask a few questions, and if we determine that the adaptive product is in good condition and can be used by someone else, you can drop it off at our offices at 754 Williamson Street in Madison.

If you donate an adaptive item to the Council, we will provide you with a donation receipt for tax purposes.

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