Every year around Christmas time, Darwin Kaufman chooses a charity or organization to donate to in his children’s names. “Last year, we gave to the Council for our son who has vision loss,” Darwin says. “Some time ago, we decided that instead of trying to give them gifts that they may or may not care about, we donate to a charity in their name every year.
Like many nonprofits, the Council receives more gifts during the winter holidays than over the summer months. But gifts to the Council are important year-round to ensure that everyone is able to access the important services we provide, regardless of their ability to pay. As you and your family gather for birthdays and reunions this summer, consider starting a new tradition by giving to the Council as a family.
Giving as a family is a great way to honor a loved one in a way that makes a meaningful difference in both their life and in the lives of others in your community. Giving to the Council can help bring your family together for a shared cause while enabling the Council to reach more people who can benefit from our services.
It’s important to choose an organization or charity that is meaningful to your whole family and to make that decision together. You might decide to choose one organization, or you could spread it out among multiple charities. When your family decides which charity or organization to support, you might choose to give a set amount, or you may want to plan ways to raise the money.
When your family is ready to make the donation, consider scheduling a visit with the organization to deliver your gift in person. That’s a great way to learn more about the group and develop a personal relationship. If that’s not possible, mail the donation along with a note explaining why they were chosen.
“When the Council receives a gift in honor of a loved one, it’s heartwarming to read why the gift was made,” says Fund Development Director Lori Werbeckes. “Sometimes it’s because they received services from the Council. Many times, the reason for the gift is to ensure the same services will be available to those who will need them in the future.”
If you provide names and addresses, the organization can send thank you letters to everyone who gave. With this first gift, you’ve created a personal event in your family’s lives that will be remembered for years to come and established a connection with the benefiting charity.
By making your act of family giving an event, you are also modeling generosity for your entire family. For children and teens, you are providing a concrete example that shows why giving back is important and instilling in them this important value for the rest of their lives.
Darwin says he will continue giving back to the community every year with his family. “It’s important to us to help meet some need in the community,” he says. “Just giving back is a great feeling, and we get to help people who can use a little help.”
Gifts to the Council can be made online at WCBlind.org/Donate or mailed to WCBVI, 754 Williamson St, Madison, WI 53703. Thank you for considering a family gift!