Consider Becoming a Poll Worker

A woman helps another woman use an accessible voting machine.

Poll workers may assist people with accessible voting machines or check people in to vote.

As 2020 elections approach, consider becoming a poll worker. It is important for people with disabilities to be poll workers because we will be part of the voting process, and will make voting spaces more welcoming and accessible to all voters with and without disabilities. Being a poll worker ensures that people with disabilities are seen in the community as active participants in the elections process.

“I want for someone to walk into their polling place and see themselves reflected, to know that this is a welcoming place for people with disabilities,” says Denise Jess, Council CEO/Executive Director.

A video, created and released by the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, gives more details about how to take on this role. Visit to see an audio described version of this video.

For more information about becoming a poll worker, contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission at (608) 261-2028 or email The deadline to apply is coming up at the end of December in many voting municipalities, so act today!

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