View the Plants in our Sensory Garden
Day Lily, Variety Unknown
Description of plant: Perennial, approx. 18” tall (without flowers) and 2’ wide. Hardy zones 3-10. Full sun to part shade. Drought tolerant once established. Blooms in summer.
Main sensory values: Visual and textural, possibly fragrant. Color of bloom may be different from this picture.
Quantity: 1
Source: Saved from previous planting.
Viburnum Spice Island
Description of plant: Perennial shrub, 4’ tall x 5’ wide. Hardy in zones 5-8. Needs full sun to part shade. Water weekly for the first year, then as needed. Blooms in spring after leaves are fully open. Fragrant pink buds open to white snowball-type clusters. Burgundy to red fall color.
Main sensory values: Fragrance, fall color.
Quantity: 1
Source: Jung.
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Description of plant: Perennial, up to 6’ tall. Full sun. Hardy zones 4-8. Adapts well to either dry or moist conditions. Red/bronze seed heads appear early to mid-summer and dry to a buff color. Good winter interest.
Main sensory values: Auditory and textural.
Quantity: 8
Source: Jung.
Spiderwort, Variety Unknown
Description of plant: Perennial, 18-24” tall and wide. Hardy in zones 4b to 12a. Full to part sun and moist but well drained soil preferred. Grass-like foliage. Three-petaled blue-violet blooms appear early to mid-summer. Plants can be sheared back to 12” after bloom time ends. Some varieties are native.
Main sensory values: Textural and brightly colored blossoms
Quantity: 2
Source: Saved from previous planting.
Description of plant: Annual, 2-3’ tall and 12-18” wide (floppy). Full sun. Keep soil evenly moist to keep plants looking healthy. Blue blooms from early summer to frost. Very attractive to bees, especially bumble bees. May reseed itself.
Main sensory values: Auditory from bees buzzing.
Quantity: 8
Source: Seed grown by Ruth Flescher
Maltese Cross
Description of plant: Perennial, 3-4’ tall and 18” wide. Hardy in zones 3-10. Full sun to part shade. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established. Red/orange blooms in summer. May need some support if the site is windy. If extended bloom is desired, deadhead around midsummer. May reseed.
Main sensory values: High visibility coloration of flowers.
Quantity: 8-10
Source: Seed grown by Ruth Flescher.
Plectranthus “Cerveza and Lime”
Description of plant: Tender perennial grown as annual, 14-18” tall and 8-12” wide. Full to part sun. Average moisture. Grown for foliage. Mounding habit.
Main sensory values: Textural and fragrant: rubbed leaves have a citrus scent and are fuzzy to the touch.
Quantity: 4
Source: Farm and Fleet.
Dianthus (Pinks) “Kahori”
Description of plant: Perennial, 8” tall and up to 16” wide. Hardy in zones 4-8. Full sun. Blooms April to July, and if deadheaded, again from September to frost. Slow growing, mounded habit.
Main sensory values: Fragrance, textural foliage, intense visual color.
Quantity: 4
Source: Steins Gardens and Gifts.
Variegated Lemon Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Winter Thyme, English Thyme
Description of plant: Perennial, 8-12” tall and 12-24” wide. Winter thyme is hardy to zone 4; lemon and English thymes to zone 5. Full sun. drought tolerant once established. Gray-green foliage with lavender blooms in July.
Main sensory values: Taste and fragrance of leaves.
Quantity: 8-10
Sources: Steins Gardens and Gifts (variegated lemon thyme, English thyme and winter thyme) and Division of existing plant by Ruth Flescher (non-variegated lemon thyme)
Eastern Red Columbine
Description of plant: Perennial, 2-3’ tall, 12-18” wide. Hardy to Zone 2. Full to part sun. Average moisture, but must be well drained. Needs more moisture in full sun. Blooms in early spring. You can cut out the spent flower stalks in early summer to improve the appearance of the plants and prevent reseeding.
Main sensory values: Smooth textural contrast, fairly bright color.
Quantity: Many.
Source: Saved from previous planting.
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