White Cane Gifts

In 2018, over 400 people in Wisconsin who are blind or visually impaired received a free white cane from the Council. For those people who received their first white cane, or replaced a well-worn one, having that cane means they can safely cross the street, walk confidently through their surroundings, and be recognized as someone with low vision.

Man walking with white cane.

The Council has been providing white canes free of charge for over 30 years, thanks to the generous spirit of our donors. This year’s White Cane appeal goal is $28,000. We have less than $9,000 to go to reach this target. THANK YOU to everyone who has already made a gift!

To join others supporting free white canes and other vision services the Council offers, make your gift by visiting our donation page or mail a check to WCBVI, 754 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703. Thank you!

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