Tag: Fund Development

Members of the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club sitting and standing at a bar.

Wisconsin Lions Clubs Have a Long History of Supporting the Council’s White Cane Fund

In mid-May, Fund Development Director Lori Werbeckes traveled northeast to give a presentation to the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club, which has been a good friend to the Council for many years. Lions Clubs across Wisconsin have long supported the Council’s mission and continue to give to our White Cane Fund. The Council has been… Continue Reading Wisconsin Lions Clubs Have a Long History of Supporting the Council’s White Cane Fund

A woman walking toward the camera with a white cane and the words White Cane Fund.

Support All of the Council’s Services During Our White Cane Appeal

Last year, the Council gave over 500 white canes to people with vision loss across the state. In addition, we served hundreds of clients with vision rehabilitation visits, low vision evaluations, orientation and mobility training and access technology instruction. The various services the Council provided helped people become or remain employed, get an education, and… Continue Reading Support All of the Council’s Services During Our White Cane Appeal

An aerial view of Madison’s isthmus with the Big Share 10th anniversary logo and the text Save the date Tuesday, March 5

Empowering People to Join or Stay in the Workforce is a Great Reason to Support the Council During The Big Share

The Big Share is an annual day of online giving that supports nearly 70 nonprofits that are members of Community Shares of Wisconsin (CSW). The Council is one of those organizations. CSW members represent a wide range of causes including voting rights, healthy food systems, racial justice, criminal justice reform, housing advocacy and environmental protection.… Continue Reading Empowering People to Join or Stay in the Workforce is a Great Reason to Support the Council During The Big Share

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Members of the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club sitting and standing at a bar.

Wisconsin Lions Clubs Have a Long History of Supporting the Council’s White Cane Fund

In mid-May, Fund Development Director Lori Werbeckes traveled northeast to give a presentation to the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club, which has been a good friend to the Council for many years. Lions Clubs across Wisconsin have long supported the Council’s mission and continue to give to our White Cane Fund. The Council has been… Continue Reading Wisconsin Lions Clubs Have a Long History of Supporting the Council’s White Cane Fund

A woman walking toward the camera with a white cane and the words White Cane Fund.

Support All of the Council’s Services During Our White Cane Appeal

Last year, the Council gave over 500 white canes to people with vision loss across the state. In addition, we served hundreds of clients with vision rehabilitation visits, low vision evaluations, orientation and mobility training and access technology instruction. The various services the Council provided helped people become or remain employed, get an education, and… Continue Reading Support All of the Council’s Services During Our White Cane Appeal

An aerial view of Madison’s isthmus with the Big Share 10th anniversary logo and the text Save the date Tuesday, March 5

Empowering People to Join or Stay in the Workforce is a Great Reason to Support the Council During The Big Share

The Big Share is an annual day of online giving that supports nearly 70 nonprofits that are members of Community Shares of Wisconsin (CSW). The Council is one of those organizations. CSW members represent a wide range of causes including voting rights, healthy food systems, racial justice, criminal justice reform, housing advocacy and environmental protection.… Continue Reading Empowering People to Join or Stay in the Workforce is a Great Reason to Support the Council During The Big Share